Lately, I've been toking on some very strong Amnesia from
Clandestine Gardens. Clocking in at a wonderful 28.1% THC, this potent sativa
really knocks your block off. One of my favorite growers, Clandestine, raises
every plant with sunshine, unicorns and love, resulting in a heady, potent, and
flavorful buzz, with a great aroma and a stickiness that rivals the paste you
used to eat in elementary school.
Just a few hits from that shit and my brain collapsed.
No shit.
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Look at that fucking deliciousness. Just look at it. |
I'd been meaning to try the strain for a while. I'd heard good things about it, I'd seen it in the local retail stores and considered buying it, but, fickle smoker that I am, some other strain would catch my eye like some gaudy butterfly and I'd go with that instead and then I’d forget all about the Amnesia. It was like I had amnesia from not smoking Amnesia.
Anyway, my girlfriend and I were in Cascade Herb Company, in
Bellingham, a week or two ago. I forget why we went, because I had literally just
stopped in at The Joint - Bellingham, for some outstanding Blue Bastard, which
was an Indica from Treedom and a couple of half-gram pre-rolls of Bruce Banner
and LA Cheese, from Analytical 360, so I was well set for the night. Evidently, she wasn't.
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Blue Bastard |
Oh, I remember now. My girlfriend wanted to get a new vape cartridge
and I had a 20% discount at Cascade, so off we went, hand in hand, in search of
more weed. Because nothing says buy more weed than saving money on dope and nothing
says true love more than going weed shopping, hand in hand, with your girlfriend.
Skipping through the sunshine and rainbows, slipping on the unicorn shit.
We hadn't been to Cascade for a few weeks. We'd bought a few
vape cartridges there, before our vacation to the east coast, but we hadn't
been back since then and I'd been lazy, buying my weed closer to home, mostly
because of my odd work hours and the vibe at the shop had changed a little bit.
Cascade has had a bit of a turnover in staff lately, with
most everyone that we know either gone, or working hours when we usually don't or
can’t frequent the store. When you've been going to the same place for a long
time and you're used to dealing with the same people, you kinda sorta build up
a relationship of sorts with those people and when it all changes on you, it
throws off your equilibrium. It's like switching weed dealers, or escaping from
the backwoods in Deliverance. It takes a little while before you become
comfortable again and I still shake uncontrollably when I hear banjos.
We walked into the store and the comforting smell of good
weed washed over us like a warm summer day. Sure enough though, it was all new people working that
night and there wasn’t a familiar face in sight. Bummer, but no biggie, It
doesn't need to be a social call. We'll just get our shit and leave, but things didn't go as expected. The dude
behind the counter was really cool and patient with us, he ensured that we had
the time and the attention that we needed and this made us feel more like people and not
just a number. We checked out a few cartridges and then headed over to where
the flower was, sitting all pretty inside of the glass display cabinets.
Everything looked and smelled so good! I just wanted to cuddle with all of the lonely little buds.
Fuck. I was about to blow my weed budget. Again. That happens more than you might think.
My girlfriend and I looked over those delectable nuggets of
goodness, smelling this and sniffing that. Fondling bags and ogling buds. We
asked questions and compared strains from different growers and the guy behind
the counter seemed to have a taste in weed that was similar to ours, so we felt as if his recommendations could be trusted. He spoke highly of a few strains and growers and I picked out a few bags of buds, for us. I also asked for a recommendation for something that would make me giggly and stupid. Dude strongly recommended the Amnesia, from Clandestine
Gardens. I'm quite familiar with Clandestine's products and I've never been
disappointed. Their prices tend to be at the higher end of the scale, ranging
anywhere from $14 - $17 a gram, but when it comes to quality and potency, you
definitely get your money's worth. As I like to say, you can tell that it was
grown with love… and unicorn shit.
Things were starting to get a little out of hand. In addition to what I had purchased earlier, between the two of us, we now had an additional eighth of Strawberry
Tangie, an eighth of Amnesia, a gram of Blueberry and a big ass joint of Double Lemon Cheesecake for the ride home. You have to have a travel doobie. It's like a rule, or something and I'm big on following the rules.
But we hadn't finished shopping yet.
My girlfriend still wanted a vape cartridge, We looked the cartridges over again and she asked me to pick one out for her, because she knows that letting me do that kind of shit makes me puff out my chest and feel all smart and self-important and stuff. This way, I think I'm in charge and don't realize that she's in control. Whatever, I can live with my illusions. Quite comfortably, I might add. She told me she wanted an Indica, so the choice came down to either God's Gift, which we'd just had, or the Afghani Hash that I had looked at earlier and which I had kind of a hankering for.
We bought a lot of fucking weed. No worries, though. You can never have too much weed and it was all going to a good cause.
Getting me high.
Because I'm a charitable motherfucker.
Because I'm a charitable motherfucker.
But we hadn't finished shopping yet.
My girlfriend still wanted a vape cartridge, We looked the cartridges over again and she asked me to pick one out for her, because she knows that letting me do that kind of shit makes me puff out my chest and feel all smart and self-important and stuff. This way, I think I'm in charge and don't realize that she's in control. Whatever, I can live with my illusions. Quite comfortably, I might add. She told me she wanted an Indica, so the choice came down to either God's Gift, which we'd just had, or the Afghani Hash that I had looked at earlier and which I had kind of a hankering for.
Just before we left, the owner popped out of the back and it
was nice to finally see a familiar face. He greeted us and then he introduced us to all of his new
employees. Suddenly, the store felt as warm, friendly and welcoming as it always had. I'll tell you, that's the kind of shit that makes me feel like a
valued customer and keeps me coming back. It's also one of the many reasons
that I recommend Cascade Herb Company to everyone that I speak to. Keep up the
great work, guys!
We smoked up on the way home and then we smoked up some
more when we got there. The Double Lemon Cheesecake was smokealicious. We tried out the Afghani Hash
and the Strawberry Tangie, first thing and pretty soon, we were both pretty
I put the Amnesia away for later.
We smoked most of what we bought that night, over the course of
the next few days and then we bought some more weed, forgetting all about the
Amnesia. Sort of. I just kept looking for excuses to smoke other strains,
keeping that Amnesia in reserve, making it my side bud.
It took me two weeks to break into the Amnesia, but after
smoking out all day yesterday, I finally cracked the seal last night. I packed
a bowl and then my girlfriend and I drove over to the grocery store to get some
mushrooms for dinner. She lives close to the store, so we were only able to
take a hit or two each, before we got there, so we sat in the parking lot for a
few minutes and finished the bowl. I was feeling fairly fine, as we got out of
the car.
As we approached the store, my girlfriend noticed one of her
besties on her way in as well, with her bestie's bestie child in tow, so we took a moment to stop and say hello.
That moment was all that it took. By the time the two of
them were finished talking about whatever shit women talk about, the weed had caught up with me and my eyes had glazed over like a doughnut. I was pretty fucking stoned and it felt fabulously
fucking phenomenal.
Unfortunately, the worst place in the world for me to be
when I'm stoned is at the grocery store. It can be deadly. I get lost. I fall
into some kind of mysterious, space-time warp anomaly thing and I emerge from the store twenty-seven
years later, like some kind of wasted Rip van Winkle. It's not pretty.
So, the two of us are now wandering around the store,
fingering the food and leering lasciviously at this and that, sucking up time the way work sucks
away my life. Gone and lost forever, but at least we were laughing our asses off.
Everything was funny.
Time dilation has some strange effects. So do large quantities of weed. Makes you think you know shit about time dilation, when you really don't know shit at all.
Time dilation has some strange effects. So do large quantities of weed. Makes you think you know shit about time dilation, when you really don't know shit at all.
We were only there to buy one item, for fuck's sake! Well,
there was one other item that I wanted too, but I was so high, So high, I couldn't
remember what it was. It was like I had
amnesia from smoking the Amnesia.
At some point while the two of us were wandering through the
desert, trying to find the promised land of the exit, we ended up in front of
the freezer case where they keep some of the higher end things like duck and
bison, as well as a few, more exotic meats. I noticed that they had frozen duck
breasts and I suddenly had to have them, but I was stoned, so I had to debate
it with myself, first. I live on a pretty tight food budget, so I have to justify spending money on erroneous things like food.
"Stop fondling the breasts and just throw them in the
basket." My girlfriend demanded. Quite unfairly, I might add.
I threw them in the basket and then I wanted to go stare at
some short ribs, because I'd been wanting to cook them for a while and it never
hurts to look.
They didn’t have any fucking short ribs. Bastards. Who does
We started looking at the steaks, instead.
While we were busy touching all of the packages of steak and
playing with our meat that we had no
intention of buying, she asked me what I had done with the duck.
"What did you do with the duck breasts?" she asked
"I've been pinching their little nipples," I
replied. “They seem to like it.”
Did you know that a platypus has no nipples? Me either.
She looked at me, askance, rolled her eyes at me and said, "Don't make me kill you. I'm
not in the mood to hide your body right now."
"You'd have to dig a hole, first," I answered
quite smugly. Have to follow the rules...
"I have," she told me.
"Oh," I said. "Shit. They're in the basket.
Please don't hurt me."
Fuck me. Gingers are dangerous when they get all riled up.
"No, they're not," she said. "There are only
two things in the basket and duck isn't one of them."
I peered into the basket. I saw some mushrooms, some other fucking shit, but sure enough, there were only two things in the fucking basket and, neither of which was duck.
"What did you do with the duck?" I asked her.
"I never did anything with the duck," she continued, "You never put it in the basket."
I peered into the basket. I saw some mushrooms, some other fucking shit, but sure enough, there were only two things in the fucking basket and, neither of which was duck.
"What did you do with the duck?" I asked her.
"I never did anything with the duck," she continued, "You never put it in the basket."
Well, fuck me. Apparently, my overly stoned ass had thrown the duck back into
the freezer. I sheepishly retraced my steps and went back to get them.
When I returned, she was looking a bit smug, but I quickly turned the tables on her.
When I returned, she was looking a bit smug, but I quickly turned the tables on her.
"Did you remember to get your wine?" I asked her.
A panicked expression crossed her face and was replaced by a look of determination. She didn’t say a word, she just turned and ran like hell for
the wine section.
Distraction and sleight of hand. You can always distract a
woman with wine. It works like a charm, every time.
From there, we went to go stare at some expensive and nasty smelling cheese and then we
went over to the new section that was full of artisanal meats, such as Jamon de
Iberico, specialty salamis and other wondrous things, but, as before, we bought
nothing. Finally running out of shit to look at, we made our way to the front of the store to pay for the few
things that had managed to make it into the basket.
I still couldn't remember what the hell the other thing was
that I had wanted to buy. It was like I had amnesia, or something.
As we were headed to the exit, we heard my girlfriend's
bestie call out, "Oh my God, are you guys still here?"
We sort of explained why it had taken us an hour and a half
to buy four items. You really don't want to tell anyone that you're stoned out of
your mind on fucking weed while you're in front of their nine-year-old child.
It's just poor form.
We said our goodbyes to bestie and child and we left the store, headed for home.
That was when I finally remembered that I had needed to buy toothpaste, of
course, but now it was just too late and there was no way that I was going back. Grrrrrr...
On the way home, I was still so stoned, I forgot where I was
going. And where I was. Which happens more than you might think. My driving was fine, I was just a mental moron, but at
least I was coherent enough to drive, even if I didn't quite know where I was. I just kept driving until things
looked familiar and luckily, I guessed right, when I turned left, instead of
Somehow, I managed to get us home and I even managed to cook dinner without the summoning the fire department. The cooking thing just took a while, that's all. Trying to multi-task was a disaster, because I kept forgetting what I was doing.
Eventually, I managed to get it right. Pan seared duck breasts with a balsamic glaze and a
bacon-mushroom risotto, made with beef stock. It was fucking amazing. I make
the best shit, when I'm stoned.
After dinner, we smoked a little bit of the Blueberry, to
wind down after a long day and that seemed to ground us a little bit more..
Fuck me. I've smoked a lot of dank shit over the years and that Amnesia was some of the dankest shit I’ve ever smoked.
On the Goodshit scale, I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10.
And now I'm off to smoke another fat bowl of it. Thanks,
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